Difference between compiler and interpreter

We generally write a computer program using high level programming language. A high level language is understandable by human and this high level language is called source code.

The high level language is not understandable by computer or machine. It only understands the program which is written in 0’s and 1’s in binary which is known as machine code.

To convert the high level language or source code into machine code, we use compiler or interpreter.

The compiler and interpreter and compiler both are used for convert a program in high level language to low level or machine programming language.

So, we can say compiler and interpreter are converter which convey source code to machine code.

Both of them do same work but there have some difference between compiler and interpreter.

Difference between compiler and interpreter :

A compiler translate the compiler source program in a single line
An interpreter translate the source program line by line
It is faster
It is slower
It consumes less time
It consumes more time them compiler
It is more efficient
It is less efficient
Compilers are larger in size
Interpreters are smaller than compilers
CPU utilization is more
CPU utilization is less as compared to compiler
It converts the instructions into systematic code.
It dose not convert the instructions instead it directly work on source language.
Compiler is used by languages as c , c++ etc.
An interpreter is used by language such as java

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