Difference between top down approach and Bottom up Approach in programming language.

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use of c language,top down approach and Bottom up Approach,C Programming Interview Question,important interview question of C, top down approach and Bottom up Approach ,


Question 6 :

What is the difference between top down approach and Bottom up Approach in programming language.


Top down approach and bottom up approach are involved in software development. These approaches are not involved in program execution.


  • l Structured/ procedure oriented programming languages like C programming language follows top down approach. Whereas object oriented programming languages like C++ and java programming language follows bottom up approach.


  • l Top down approach begins with high level design and ends with low level design or development.Whereas, bottom up approach begins with low level design or development and ends with high level design.


  • l In top down approach, Main() function is written first and all sub functions are called from main function. Then, sub functions are written based on the requirement. Whereas, in bottom up approach, code is developed for modules and then these modules are integrated with main() function.


  • l Now a days, both approaches are combined together and followed in modern software design.


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