Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE):

CASE stands for computer aided software engineering it means development and maintenance of software projects with help of various automated software tools.

Software system which are intended to provide automated support for software process activities .CASE system are often used for method support .

It covers a wide a range of different types of program that are used to support software process activities such as requirements analysis , system modeling , debugging and testing .

Types of CASE ( Computer Aided Software Engineering ) :
Different types of CASE approach covers the entire life cycle of product development , including code generator, product tools, repositories, prototype and other tools . 

Some CASE ( Computer Aided Software Engineering ) tools are :

Analysis tools :  
It basically focus on incorrect specifications involved in diagram and data flow and helps in collecting requirements, automatically check for any irregularity , imprecision in the diagram,data flow .

Diagramming Tools :
It basically focus on diagrammatic and graphical representation of data and system process . It represents system elements, control flow and flow among different software components and system structure in a pictorial form.

Computer Display and Report Generator :
It helps to understand the data requirements and relationship involved.

Central repository : It gives the single point of storage for data diagram , reports and document related to project management .

Document Generator : Helps in generating user and technical document as per standards  and also creates documents for technical users and end users .

Code Generator : It helps to auto generation code , including definition , with help of the designs , documents and diagrams.

Advantage of CASE( computer Aided Software Engineering ) approach :

I. As special emphasis is placed on redesign as well as testing , the servicing cost of a product over its expected lifetime is considerably reduced.

II. The overall quality of the product is improved as an organized approach is undertaking during the process of development.

III. CASE indirectly provides an organization with a competitive advantage by helping ensure the development of high quality product .

IV. Chances to meet real - world requirements are more likely and easier with a computer-aided software engineering approach .

V. Computer Aided Software indirectly provides an organization with competitive advantage by helping ensure the development of high quality product.


CASE Tools :

CASE tools are set of software application programs, which are used to automate SDLC activities . It provides automated assistance for software development . The goal of introducing CASE Tools is the reduction of the time and cost of software development and the enhancement of the quality of the system developed .

The essential idea of CASE tools Is that pre-built programs can help to analyze developing system in order enhance quality and provide better outcomes .

CASE tools can be radically different , depending on their interface and analytical methods .

Types of CASE( computer Aided Software Engineering )

Upper CASE Tools : tools to support the early process acclivities to requirements and design .
Example : Planning , analysis , design stage of SDLC .

Lower CASE Tools: Tools to support late activities. such as programming ,debugging and testing , maintenance .

CASE Phases

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