What is the different between C and C++ || C programming language

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What is the different between C and C++ ||  C programming language

Question 5 :

What is the different between C and C++

Even though c and C++ programming languages are belonging to middle level language both has some different.




C is structured/ procedure oriented programming language.

C++ is object oriented programming language.

C language program design is top down approach

C++ is using bottom up approach.

Polymorphism, virtual function, inheritance,operator overloading, name space concepts are not available in C programming language.

Polymorphism, virtual function, inheritance,operator overloading, name space concepts are available in C programming language.

C language gives importance to functions rather that data.

C++ gives importance to data rather than functions

Data and function mapping is simple is difficult in C.

Data and function mapping is simple in C++ that can be done using objects.

C language dose not support user define data types.

C++ supports user define data types.

Exception handling is not present in C programming language.

Exception handling is present in c++ language.

C language allows data to freely flow around the functions.

Data and functions are bound together in C++ which dose not allows data to freely flow around the function.



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