Define Protocol and What are the Key Elements of Protocol

 Definition and other Details of Protocol :

A protocol are the fundamental aspect of digital communication as they dictate how to format , transmit and receive data . they are a set of rules that determines how the data will be transmitted over the network.

It can also be defined as a communication standard followed by the two key parties ( sender and receiver ) in a computer network to communicate with each other.

It specifies what type of data can be transmitted , what commands are used to send and receive data and how data transfer are confirmed. 

In simple terms , a protocol is similar to a language . Every language has its own rules and vocabulary . Protocol have their own rules , specifications and implementation . If 2 people share he same language , they can communicate very easily and effectively.

Similarly two hosts implementing the same protocol can connect and communicate easily with each other . Hence protocols provide a common language for network device participating in data communication.

The internet protocol suite,which is used for transmitting data over the internet,contain dozens of protocol.These protocol may be broken up into four categories -

1. Link layer- PPP,DSL,WIFI etc.
2. Internet layer - IP4,IP6.
3. Transport layer - TCP,UDP etc.
4. Application layer - HTTP,IMAP,FTP etc.

Also  read-

                       different types of protocols and different uses of protocol.
Levels of protocol
Functions of protocols

The key element of protocols :

Syntax : Syntax relates to the structure or format of the data meaning the order in which they are presented. For example, A simple protocol may expect the first 8 bit of data to be the address of the sender , the second 8 bits to be the address or receiver , and the rest of the stream to be the massage itself.

Semantics : Semantics relates to the meaning of each section of bits . How is specified pattern to be interpreted and what action is to be taken based on that interpretation . For instance dose an address. Identify the route to be taken or the final destination of the massage.

Timing : Timing refers to two vital characteristic when data should be sent and how fast can be sent . For example, If a sender produces data at 100 mbps but receiver can process data at only 1 mbps , the transmissions will overload the receiver and data will be largely lost.

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